Trunnion Type

Trunnion Type

Style: Horizontal

Trunnion type machines use a mold or flask that is supported and rotated by four trunnion wheels. These machines are used for producing castings that have lengths longer that their diameter. Common castings produced on trunnion type machines include bushings, bearings, cylinder liners, piston rings, pipe, and steel tubes and sleeves.

Key Features:

CCMCO continually improves upon tried and true machine designs that have been work horses in the industry for decades. CCMCO’s machinery is designed and manufactured with the operator in mind.

  • Cast ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, sleeves, alloy steel tubes and similar shapes.
  • Spin capacities to 100 tons.
  • Cast Single and multiple molds.
  • Use either permanent steel molds, sand-lined flasks, or metal cores.
  • Cast Bi or Tri metal castings.

Trunnion type machines use a mold or flask that is supported and rotated by four trunnion wheels. These machines are used for producing castings that have lengths longer that their diameter.

Common castings produced on trunnion type machines include bushings, bearings, cylinder liners, piston rings, pipe, and steel tubes and sleeves.

Model M, 5000lb (2268 kgs)

Model Casting Size OD Min Casting Size OD Max Casting Length MIN Casting Length Max

U.S. Metric U.S. Metric U.S. Metric U.S. Metric
M-12-22-12-WC - - 3 76.2 16 406.4 12 304.8 24 609.6
M-24-22-12-WC - - 3 76.2 16 406.4 24 609.6 48 1219.2
M-36-22-12-WC - - 3 76.2 16 406.4 36 916.4 60 1524.0
M-40-22-12-WC - - 3 76.2 16 406.4 40 1016.0 80 2032.0
M-50-22-12-WC - - 3 76.2 16 406.4 50 1270.0 98 2489.2

Model K, 10,000lb (4536 kgs)

Model Casting Size OD Min Casting Size OD Max Casting Length MIN Casting Length Max

U.S. Metric U.S. Metric U.S. Metric U.S. Metric
Model K - - 4 101.6 30 762.0 36 914.4 160 4064.0
2.5 M - - 3 76.0 32 813.0 50 1270.0 100 2540.0
3 M - - 3 76.0 32 584.0 65 1651.0 130 3302.0
4 M - - 4 100.0 32 813.0 50 1270.0 160 4064.0

Model H

Model Spin Load Casting Size OD Min Casting Size OD Max Casting Length MIN Casting Length Max

Lbs. Kgs. U.S. Metric U.S. Metric U.S. Metric U.S. Metric
Model H15 - - 30,000 13,608 6 152.4 34 863.6 48 1219.2 240 6096.0
Model H20 - - 40,000 18,140 6 152.4 34 863.6 48 1219.2 240 6096.0
Model H30 - - 60,000 27,210 6 203.2 40 1016.0 54 1371.6 240 6096.0
Model HS - - 95,000 43,092 Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized
Model HT - - 200,000 90,719 Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized Custom Sized

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